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  • *CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!*
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N-Methyl Pyrrolidone



N-Methyl Pyrrolidone is a clear colorless liquid with a fish-like odor.

Request a Quote by filling in the form on the right or call 865.524.4239 for more info or pricing
Product #: 150009
Chemical Formula:C5H9NO

N-Methyl Pyrrolidone is mostly used as a photo-resist stripper in the electronics industry, but is also growing more and more popular for degreasing and coating polymides. It is used in the petrochemical industry in the extraction of pure hydrocarbons and desulpherization of gases. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of Transdermal drug patches, and topical drug gels. It is used in paints and coatings as a solvent for polyurethane paints, acrylic and epoxy resins, and enamels in wire and non wire coatings. It is also used in industrial cleaners in floor cleaning and floor stripping.

Please see n-Methyl Pyrrolidone Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.

N-Methyl Pyrrolidone is not regulated as a hazardous material for transport by the US Department of Transportation.

N-Methyl Pyrrolidone is available in 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon drums.

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CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!
