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Hydrochloric Acid 18%

HCL 18%
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Hydrochloric Acid 18% is a dilute acid product that contains approximately 18% HCl acid by weight. The product is colorless and made from industrial-grade acid.

Dilute acids are typically used for specific processes or procedures that require a lower concentration. They may also be preferred for use due to safety reasons.

This product is regulated and available for business-to-business sale only.


Chemical formula

Hydrochloric Acid 18% has been diluted from 32% concentration. This product may be specified or preferred for use depending on the procedure or process that requires HCl acid. It also may be preferred for safety (E, H & S) reasons. Speak to a representative for more information.

Please see Hydrochloric Acid 10% – 20% Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.

UN1789, Hydrochloric acid, 8, PG II

Hydrochloric Acid 18% is available in a 275-gallon (2487 lb) tote.

Hydrochloric Acid market update