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  • *CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!*
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Methanol (Virgin)


Bulk Methanol, Virgin Methanol, Methyl Alcohol, Wood Alcohol, CH3OH, 5-gallon Methanol, Carbinol, Methyl Hydroxide, Wood Naphtha, Methylene Hydrate, Hydroxymethane

Methanol is a light, colorless, volatile liquid with a faintly sweet pungent odor similar to that of ethanol. Unlike ethanol, it is poisonous for human consumption. Virgin Methanol is the simplest alcohol. Vapors are slightly heavier than air.

CORECHEM is a supplier/distributor of Methanol (CH3OH) in bulk package sizes. Buy Methanol in 5 gallon pails, drums, totes, or tankers.

Product Data SheetSafety Data Sheet

Price $128.88$1,311.78

This product may be purchased online, or by submitting the ‘Request Quote’ form. Online orders ship the next business day. Please use the form:

  • For large volume/commercial orders or inquiries.
  • For packaging options not listed for online purchase.
  • For custom freight options.
  • If you need to speak to a representative.
Request a Quote by filling in the form on the right or call 865.524.4239 for more info or pricing
Product #: 151012
Categories: ,
Chemical Formula:CH3OH

Methyl Alcohol is used to produce other chemicals such as formaldehyde and acetic acid. It is an industrial solvent, used for paints, plastics, inks, adhesives, resins, and dyes. It is used as an additive in gasoline or as a fuel in internal combustion engines, ships, industrial boilers, camping and boating alcohol stoves, etc. It may in some countries be used as fuel in cars, trucks, and buses. It is also used as an antifreeze. To buy Methanol-based antifreeze products, see GeoChill+™ Geothermal Fluid or Window Wash Concentrate. Methyl Alcohol may also be used as a denaturant for Ethanol.

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Methyl Alcohol is toxic if inhaled, ingested, or in contact with skin. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times while handling this chemical. The liquid and vapor of this product are highly flammable. As the vapor is slightly heavier than air, it can travel and ignite if allowed to accumulate in a confined space. Store in a tightly closed container and keep away from ignition sources. Use in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapors and wash any exposed skin thoroughly after handling. Avoid storing in direct sunlight. Please see Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.

UN1230, Methanol, 3, PG II

CORECHEM is a supplier/distributor of bulk Methanol. Methanol (Methyl Alcohol / CH3OH) is available to buy in 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, and bulk.

Contact Us

CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!
