Safety Spotlight: Work From Home Ergonomics

September 29, 2020 As many employees continue to work from their home, part or full time, we spotlight the all-important topic of ergonomics. As our home offices were hastily set up last spring, a thing like ergonomics may not have been our highest priority. There was a lot of uncertainty about the future (i.e. how […]


August 26, 2020 Take your water quality to the next level with our two new water treatment products! Designed for use in both municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment applications, COREPAC coagulants and POLYCORE flocculants are an exciting addition to our current product offering. For any liquid/solid separation or dewatering application, COREPAC and POLYCORE […]

Employee Spotlight: Trent Carmichael

July 31, 2020 In the chemical industry, supplying top quality product to our customers is non-negotiable. This is where our Summer Spotlight, Trent Carmichael, comes in. As our Quality Assurance Manager, he is the man behind the scenes- or in this case, in the laboratory- making sure your product is in-spec and compliant. Wow! That […]

Acetone Enjoys Pandemic Popularity

July 1, 2020 Pandemic-related products are all receiving a tremendous amount of popularity right now, for obvious reasons. Who knew that Acetone is an essential ingredient for several of them? That’s right. Hand sanitizer, face shields, and protective barriers all require this ketone solvent for production. “Hand sanitizer made with Acetone??!!??” No, Acetone is not […]

Safety Spotlight: CORECHEM & COVID-19 Compliance

June 15, 2020 Work from Home. Virtual Meetings. Disinfecting Procedures. Sick Policy. Social Distancing. Love it or hate it, COVID-related terminology is now everyday, all-the-time lingo in 2020! As companies seek to reopen, or bring employees back into the office that have been working off site, workplaces everywhere are being re-thought. How will employees be […]

Wholesale IPA Prices Soften Dramatically

June 4, 2020 Notice to Isopropyl Alcohol Customers: In an ongoing effort to keep our customers informed, we are pleased to share that wholesale prices for Isopropyl Alcohol 99% have steadily softened over the past few weeks and recent supply/demand changes have only increased the rate of change. While we are making every effort to […]

Sodium Hydroxide Market Heats Up

May 12, 2020 As summer nears, the Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic) market is heating up. For three consecutive months, producers have tabled increases, and they appear to be sticking. Here’s how the COVID-19 virus led to a domino effect for Sodium Hydroxide prices… and how the dominoes fell. Amid the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 virus, […]

Employee Spotlight: Cara Rochat

May 4, 2020 This spring, we are spotlighting our Jack-Of-All-Trades, Fountain of Knowledge, proficient and longtime team member Cara Rochat!! So what’s her ‘official’ title?! Cara serves as the Executive Assistant to our General Manager, Wesley Sherrod. Here she shares a little about her role: “As Executive Assistant, I do whatever is needed to help […]

US Oil Market Freakishly Trades Negative

April 23, 2020 This week saw a first for the oil industry. Already trading at historically low prices, on Monday the WTI plunged to negative numbers and traded at -40/barrel. Fortunately, the next day saw a return to positive, albeit pitiful, numbers. How can this be possible? COVID-19 lockdowns have caused a sharp decline in […]

COVID-19’s Impact On Chemical Supply Chains

April 8, 2020 The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant impact on chemical supply chains. Here we take a look at some of the chemicals that have been affected: Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol) Sanitization products such as Isopropyl Alcohol have experienced skyrocketing demand. Unfortunately, manufacturers are simultaneously dealing with problems that are preventing them from […]