July 31, 2020
In the chemical industry, supplying top quality product to our customers is non-negotiable. This is where our Summer Spotlight, Trent Carmichael, comes in. As our Quality Assurance Manager, he is the man behind the scenes- or in this case, in the laboratory- making sure your product is in-spec and compliant.
Wow! That sounds like an interesting job! So we asked Trent for a ‘Day in the Life’ snapshot:
Trent says, “I spend most of my time testing the compounds we make in-house and checking everything before it goes out the door to our customers. It is quite an enjoyable job… I spend a lot of time in the laboratory getting hands-on with chemicals. We analyze everything we make so that our customers receive consistent, high-quality products every time.”
Trent’s passion for quality work, as well as his loyalty to Team goals, do not go unnoticed by his teammates. Trent works closely with our production team who know him as someone who “never settles for anything less than perfection”. We feel confident that our customer base also appreciates the high standard of quality!
One fun fact Trent had to share about his job? “A lot of the instruments we use to test our chemicals are the same tools you would find in a forensics laboratory to analyze unknown substances! At CORECHEM, we use them to determine the concentrations of solutions and detect impurities in raw materials before we make them into finished products.”
If you’re looking for Trent after hours, you are likely to find him in his woodshop tinkering around with his latest project. If he’s not there, he might be on one of our local downhill biking trails. Trent also enjoys studying life sciences and chemistry.
Trent, thank you for being our Employee Spotlight this month! We have enjoyed getting to know you!