November 30, 2023 The past year has been an overall good year for the Propylene Glycol market. Slowdowns in housing,.
Category: Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol Sees Relief But Still Tight
April 28, 2022 A softening in spot prices and increased availability for Propylene Glycol was welcome news earlier this year..
Plugging the Gap: Crude, Chemicals, and the Ukraine Conflict
March 30, 2022 The conflict in Ukraine is heavily impacting both oil and downstream chemicals. Here is the current situation.
Polar Storms Paralyze Chemicals
February 19, 2021 MANY chemicals have been severely affected by the winter storms Uri and Viola that rocked the Gulf.
Rising Propylene Shifts Market for IPA, Other Chemicals
February 10, 2021 The US Isopropyl Alcohol market has been a sideshow of its own against the backdrop of the.
Plant Issues Cause Propylene Glycol Hike
October 29, 2020 Earlier this month, a leak developed in a Propylene Oxide refining column at LyondellBasell. Force Majeure has.