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Bulk Cyclohexanone, Ketohexamethylene, Pimelic Ketone, Sextone, Ketocyclohexane, Oxocyclohexane, Hexanon, Anone, Cyclohexyl KetoneDescription:
Cyclohexanone is a colorless, oily liquid with an odor reminiscent of Acetone. It is an organic solvent with a slow to medium evaporation rate, and leaves minimal residue upon drying. It has good solvency properties, which means that it mixes well with most organic solvents.
CORECHEM is a supplier/distributor of Cyclohexanone in bulk package sizes. Buy Cyclohexanone in carboys or drums.
Product Data Sheet | Safety Data Sheet
Cyclohexanone is used as a solvent for many industrial applications. Some of these would include adhesives, lacquers, paints and coatings, paint and varnish removers, degreasers, spot removers, waxes, resins, polymers, copolymers, crude rubber, synthetic rubbers, inks, cellulose acetate, fuel, automotive, wood stains, cleaning products, and electronics. It is used to make nylon and as a laboratory chemical. It may be used to manufacture herbicides, insecticides, and antihistamines.
Liquid and vapor of this product are flammable. Keep away from heat sources, including sparks, flames, and hot surfaces. Protect material from direct sunlight. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Always observe good personal hygiene measures. Do not eat, drink, or smoke when using the product. Do not store in metal containers. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Prevent contact with incompatible materials such as strong oxidizing agents, strong bases, and acids. Use caution when adding this material to water. Please see Cyclohexanone Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.
UN1915, Cyclohexanone, 3, PG III
CORECHEM is a supplier/distributor of bulk Cyclohexanone. Cyclohexanone is available to buy in 5 gallon (39 lb) carboys and 55 gallon drums (exact drum weight may vary).
Contact Us
CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!