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Formic Acid 90-95% Solution
Methanoic Acid, Hydrogen Carboxylic Acid, Formic Acid Solution/LiquidDescription:
Formic Acid 90-95% Solution is a colorless, fuming liquid with a penetrating odor. It is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether.
Price $173.15
This product may be purchased online, or by submitting the ‘Request Quote’ form. Online orders ship within 5-8 business days. Please use the form:
- For large volume/commercial orders or inquiries.
- For packaging options not listed for online purchase.
- For custom freight options.
- If you need to speak to a representative.
Formic Acid (Methanoic Acid) applications include: dyeing and finishing of textile, leather treatment, chemicals (formates, oxalic acid, organic esters), manufacture of fumigants, insecticides, refrigerants, solvents for perfumes, lacquers, electroplating, brewing (antiseptic), silvering glass, cellulose formate, natural latex coagulant, ore flotation, vinyl resin plasticizers.
Please see Formic Acid 95% Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.
UN1779, Formic acid , 8, PG, II
Formic Acid 90-95% Solution is available in 5-gallon (50 lb) carboys and (approx) 15 and 55-gallon drums.
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CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!