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  • *CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!*
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Ethanol (Tax-Paid), 200 Proof

200 Proof Ethyl Alcohol; Ethanol; Ethyl Alcohol Absolute; Dehydrated Ethanol; Anhydrous Ethanol; Ethyl Alcohol 100%

Ethanol is a colorless volatile flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars. Federal tax is included, no federal permit is required for purchase.

Request a Quote by filling in the form on the right or call 865.524.4239 for more info or pricing
Chemical Formula:C2H6O

General purpose organic solvent for fats, oils, hydrocarbons, resins, surface coatings. Used in the production of antifreeze, cleaning compounds, cosmetics and beverages. Alcohol acts as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant, a diuretic, and a disinfectant.

Please see Ethanol, 200 Proof Safety Data Sheet for full safety and compatibility information.

UN1170, Ethanol solutions, 3 , PG II

Contact Us

CORECHEM is a single location distributor shipping primarily in the Eastern United States. Higher freight costs may be incurred for North American shipments outside of this area. We are not able to competitively service overseas chemical requirements, and may not respond to these inquiries. Thank you!
