H2SO4. Sulfuric Acid. Battery Acid. Vitriol.
Whatever you call it, Sulfuric Acid is one of the most important chemicals, and plays some part in production of almost all manufactured goods!

The chemical properties of Sulfuric Acid are what make it a highly versatile chemical with a wide variety of applications. For one thing, it is a highly corrosive acid. Also, it has oxidizing and sanitizing properties. It is hygroscopic, meaning it pulls water out of the air. It functions as a dehydrating agent, or desiccant.
In addition to a wide range of chemical properties, this colorless, oily mineral acid is also very inexpensive- a core commodity chemical.
That means that Sulfuric Acid has an endless, diverse portfolio of applications. Since it is used in so many different things, it is commonly known as a barometric indicator of the overall health of the economy in a country. There is more Sulfuric Acid produced annually than any other manufactured chemical.
Here we have compiled a list of a mere 101 of them!
101 Ways Sulfuric Acid Is Used
(These include both direct and indirect usage. May be used in the product or in the manufacture of the product.)
Absorbents | Electrolyte | Phenol |
Acetate | Electronic Etchant | Phosphate Fertilizer |
Acetic Acid | Electroplating Metals | Phosphoric Acid |
Acid Catalyst | Enamels | Pickling Metals |
Acid Leaching | Etching Metals | Pigments |
Adhesives | Explosives | Plasticizer |
Alkylation Catalyst | Fertilizer Manufacturing | Plastics |
Aluminium Reduction | Fibers | Plating Agent |
Aluminum Sulfate | Hand Soap | Printing Inks |
Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer | Hydrochloric Acid | Process Regulator |
Antifreeze | Hydrofluoric Acid | Pulp |
Battery Acid | Insecticides | Rubber |
Bleaching Agent | Intermediates | Rust Removal |
Car Batteries | Ion Exchange Agent | Sanitizing Dairy Facilities |
Carbon | Labware Cleaner | Sanitizing Food Facilities |
Catalytic Cracking Catalyst | Lubricants | Scale Removal |
Cellophane | Metallurgical Processes | Silk Dyeing |
Cellulose Fibers | Microelectronics Cleaner | Soil Rehabilitation |
Cleaning Metal | Mining | Steel Manufacturing |
Coated Fabrics | Nitric Acid | Storage Batteries |
Coatings | Nitrogen Fertilizer | Sugar Bleaching |
Copper | Nylon Dyeing | Sulfonation Agent |
Copper Sulfate | Oil Well Acidizing | Synthetic Resins |
Corrosion Inhibitors | Oxidation Removal | Tartaric Acid |
Cosmetic Peels & Scrubs | Oxidizing Agent | Titanium Dioxide |
Cosmetics | Paint Stripper | Titanium Oxide |
Dehydrating Agent | Paints | Toilet Bowl Cleaner |
Dehydrating Fruit | Paper | Viscose Rayon |
Detergent | Paper Bleaching | Waste Water Treatment |
Dishwashing Liquid | Paper Sizing | Water Treatment |
Drain Cleaner | Petroleum Catalysts | Wood Charring |
Drugs | Petroleum Refining | Wool Dyeing |
Dyestuffs | pH Control | Zinc |
Pharmaceuticals |
Are you in need of Sulfuric Acid for your application? CORECHEM offers Sulfuric Acid in many different strengths. Request a quote, and we’ll be in touch!